
2021 奧地利林茲電子藝術節【福爾摩沙/台北花園】【動畫之旅】展區預告 Ars Electronica Garden Taipei /Formosa【Animated Tour】Teaser

想像力就是一種超能力,當我們能夠在想像自己置身於動畫世界之中,我們每個人就都成為了超人。而在「動畫之旅」 (Animated Tour)的展區中,觀眾在不同的類型作品中,無論是抽象或者具象的視覺風格,都能投入到角色中所感受到其中的不安與受挫,進而幸福與成長,擺脫現實世界的困頓,以想像力來持續「島嶼壯遊」 的旅程。 這個展區將有四件台灣製作的動畫作品《吉娃斯愛科學特別篇:夢想的種子》:王世偉/高逸峰、《我的阿婆是一顆蛋》:張吾青、《蘊・孕》:連俊傑/李柏翰、《風箏》:薛佑廷。 Imagination is a superpower. When imaging ourselves in the world of animation, every one of us has become a superhero. In the Animated Tour, viewers can devote themselves to the characters via different programs, abstract or figurative in terms of visual style, to experience anxiety and frustration all the way to happiness and growth. Getting rid of this disappointing reality, viewers shall continue the “Taiwan Grand Tour” through their imagination. This program consists of four animations: "Go Go Giwas: Sowing Dream Seeds"(Directed by Vick Wang, Yi-Feng Kao), "My grandmother is an Egg"(Directed by Wu-Ching Chang),"Inside"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh), and "The Wayward Kite"(Directed by Yu-Ting Hsueh).

